"Avoiding Apocalypse: How Science and Scientists Ended the Cold War" tells the little-known story of the world-wide scientists’ boycott of the Soviet Union that set in motion an astonishing sequence of events. Starting simultaneously with the rise to power of an obscure Soviet bureaucrat named Mikhail Gorbachev, the scientists’ boycott not only led to the end of the Cold War, but the end of the Soviet Union itself.
This book presents an entirely new perspective on how the Cold War ended without triggering apocalyptic nuclear war, always present as a possible endpoint of the Cold War conflict between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The importance of exploring this new perspective is that it helps us to understand the risks to the U.S. of learning the wrong lessons from its Cold War “victory”, and how to stop the current and accelerating unraveling of the Cold War stand down and the re-emerging threat of apocalyptic nuclear war.